Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why the name?

Here it is... the start of a new blog, back into a world I used to love, and used to spend hours upon hours working on. Why the name "motived" newlyweds? Well, James and I recently got married (October 2, 2010) and are a couple who love to do things, take on new adventures and experience new things! All sounds wonderful... except when you decide to do a bunch of new things all at the same time (ie build a new house, sell our existing home, repair existing home to sell, plan a wedding, get married etc) only to come from the honeymoon with 1.5 weeks until we have to be out of our home, and not a sing le thing has been packed... I'm sure you get the idea. We are motivated, and love to do things, while most people look at us as if we have 5 heads, and wonder why the hell we put ourselves through the things that we do? The reality is, we love it! We love facing new challenges, and often don't even realize we are doing it to ourselves. So here it is... the ramblings of the "motivated" newlyweds! Welcome!!

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